Until I discovered word lists. With this tool, I have significantly reduced how long it takes me to figure out the right word when I play Wordle. This particular list contains words that have G as their fourth letter. Peruse it for the answer to today’s puzzle.

aargh adage agoge ahigh ainga ajuga align amiga amigo anigh apage atigi azygy badge baggy bangs barge beige beigy belga bergs biggs biggy bilge bilgy binge bingo bings bingy biogs blags blogs bodge boggy bongo bongs boogy borgo bouge bough boygs brags brigs brogh brogs brugh budge buggy bulge bulgy bungs bungy burgh burgs cadge cadgy cangs cargo cerge chogs chugs ciggy clags clegs clogs coign conga conge congo corgi cough crags crogs dagga daggy dangs darga dargs deign dinge dingo dings dingy dirge dodge dodgy doggo doggy donga dongs dough drags dregs drugs dungs dungy durgy elegy eloge elogy erugo etage fadge faggy fanga fango fangs faugh feign fidge flags flegs flogs foggy forge forgo frags frigs frogs frugs fudge fuggy fungi fungo fungs gadge gangs gauge ginge gings glogg glugs gogga gongs googs gorge gouge grege grego grigs grogs gunge gungy gurge haggs hangi hangs haugh hedge hedgy heigh henge heugh hewgh hinge hings hoagy hoggs hongi hongs hough huggy image imago jaggs jaggy jiggy jingo jirga jongs jougs judge kanga kangs kaugh kedge kedgy kidge kings kluge knags laigh large largo laugh ledge ledgy legge leggy lengs leugh liege ligge linga lingo lings lingy lodge loggy longa longe longs lough lunge lungi lungs lurgi lurgy madge maggs manga mange mango mangs mangy marge margs menge mengs merge midge midgy miggs minge mings mingy misgo modge moggy mongo mongs mudge mugga muggs muggy mulga munga mungo mungs naggy neigh noggs nongs nudge ology omega outgo panga pangs parge pargo peage peags peggy pengo phage piggy pingo pings plage plugs podge podgy pogge ponga pongo pongs pongy porge porgy prigs progs pudge pudgy puggy punga pungs purge quags radge ragga raggs raggy range rangi rangy reggo reign renga ridge ridgy riggs rings rouge rough ruggy rungs saggy saiga sanga sangh sango sangs sarge sargo saugh scags scogs scugs sedge sedgy sengi serge shags shogi shogs siege singe sings skags skegg skegs skugs slags slogs slugs smogs smugs snags snigs snogs snugs soggy songs sorgo sough spags spugs stage stags stagy stogy surge surgy swage swags swigs taggy taiga taigs tanga tangi tango tangs tangy targe teggs tenge terga teugh thagi thegn thigh thigs thugs tinge tings tonga tongs tough tragi trigo trigs trogs trugo trugs tungs twigs usage vangs venge verge virga virge vouge vuggs vuggy vulgo wagga wangs waugh wedge wedgy weigh wenge whigs wigga wiggy wilga winge wings wingy wodge wonga wongi yangs yeggs zings zingy 5 letter words with G as the fourth letter   Wordle game help - 22